Moneda PAR is WABA Credit’s first use case

We created a B2B platform that helps MSME and entrepreneurs boost their production by providing access to zero-interest credit, a larger market and a new digital payment method

Grants easy-to-access credit

MSME can buy supplies without liquidity in legal tender currency by getting interest-free credit, which will be repaid with the proceeds of future sales.

Increases production and sales

Extra liquidity enables higher production for entrepreneurs and MSME, reducing average costs and increasing efficiency and competitiveness.

Expands markets

The issued credit also multiplies the purchasing power of the Network’s members, expanding the markets within the community overall.

Transaction example

Within the app, users can find the entrepreneurs and MSME that integrate the Network

and use the wallet to send or receive Moneda Par.

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Moneda PAR received the Blockchain for Humanity ‘Shackers’ Award at the 2017 LaBitConf, held in Bogotá, Colombia. The project was awarded a prize in the Financial Inclusion category.

Shakers Award 2017


  • +54 9 11 31272458